Saturday, November 28, 2009

Contrasts and Contradictions

Today I decided that the thing I love most about Beijing is its constant state of contrasts and contradictions.   There are highly modern and sophisticated buildings neighbouring hutongs.  A hutong, by the way, is an alley.  In there you will find an eclectic mix of shops, desolate third worldly residences, and comfortable western cafes.  In western countries the old and new, poor and rich, are usually in distinct locations somewhat apart from the other.  In Beijing a beautiful restaurant might have a bathroom that Canadians would consider worthy only of a campground; a dingy, out of sight alley will lead you to a fabulous club. It is an experience that is ever changing the way I think about the world. I've learned not to attach myself to any one place or idea because Beijing is perpetually shifting and evolving around me.  I've discovered the pleasure in expecting the unexpected and am loving every minute of it.

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