Saturday, September 26, 2009

For the love of Hunter

I want to introduce you, my blog readers and whomever else stumbles across my little piece of the web, to one of the great loves of my life, our family dog Hunter.  I love him and I will miss him very, very much while I am in China.  We saved Hunter from the local SPCA two years ago around this time of year.  He was healthy, rambunctious, completely untrained, six months of puppy, and a ton of work (you did wonders with him mom!) and is a wonderful addition to our family. If only he could fit into my suitcase! I would go on about how beautiful he is, but I thought it better to let you see for yourself.   

This is Hunter:

He loves to swim:

He loves to play fetch and will often catch the ball mid-air:

He loves the beach:

And he loves me!

...Or at least tolerates me and all the pictures I take of him :)

Love you Hunter!


Rosaria Williams said...

He's a beauty. He'll miss you too.

Straight Guy said...

Shelter dogs are always slightly better than the rest.

Joemill said...

Wow, truly your best friend, isn't he? Actually, we have 4 dogs in the family. :)

Tessie said...

The one male that I will always be able to count on! :) Except around my flip flops...